Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Aetherlight Forums Down

Hello resisters!
This just in: the forums are down, I repeat, the forums are down! Well, they aren't fully down this time; you can still log into them. Occasionally, you may experience a CloudFlare error notice, but the biggest problem is the forums' new appearance:
Everything is in a very raw form.
As a long-time forummer put it, "Why does the forums look like Hans Oddcraft threw up on it?"

Following so closely on the heels of Coop Blimppenny's retirement from Staff Moderatorship, we can only speculate as to what this change means. Is there a new Staff Mod messing with forums settings? Or has someone hacked the forums? Have the forums fallen so far out of update that they can't be used? Is SCS going to take them down? No one knows yet! But you can rest assured that this problem is not on your side; your fellow resisters are enduring the same fate.

Stay tuned!


  1. I was thinking of JUST the same thing before this article, even with Coop's retirement!

    I LIRLed at the Hans Oddcraft part, LOL! XD

  2. "Why does the forums look like Hans Oddcraft threw up on it?"

    Wow... that's amazingly rude.

    All the same, thank you for the information. I'm glad this glitch was fixed and explained. Thank you.

    1. Late, but I assure you the Aetherlighter I quoted did not intend to be rude! ;) Glad Scarlet Man's News was able to be helpful. :)
