Greetings, Aethasians!
I hope you all are doing well. Despite any mid-semester blues, we've made it out of the winter months and spring is on the rise. It's awfully nice to look out the window and see the grass greening here in No Man's Landing.
Here are some brief updates on what's going on.
Status report on the Aetherlight:
- Good. 😇
Status report on the blog:
- I've got some ideas for new content, which I am excited to pursue. Additionally, if you have any suggestions or ideas, I'd love to hear them. Thanks to my friends who have already provided ideas!
- Speaking of contacting, the widget on the "Chat With Us" page is once again sorted out. Now its instructions are out of date, so I will be updating them soon. Until then, please note that the chat widget developers decided to remove the join button, so the SMN Discord server is invite-only for personal Discord accounts. (That is a good thing for safety reasons.)
- You can still use the site widget any time to chat as a guest, though!
- Also, sometimes it will show errors, but all that means is that its server is overloaded with traffic. If you wait a few minutes and refresh the page, it should work again.
Status report on yours truly:
- Unfortunately busy as ever but the Great Engineer is good.
Just as the weather is changing and the flowers are blooming, Aethasia is coming back to life in many ways. I think our own eternal winter is coming to an end!
See you around Aethasia, resisters. Let's get out and enjoy the sunlight. ☀️