Sunday, August 29, 2021

Breakers: Aethasia's Prophets? [SPECIAL ARTICLE]

Greetings, Aethasians! 

I'm so excited to present today's post. It's something we've never done before on Scarlet Man's News: a collaboration!

Author—caleb Larkmagnet

Editor—Hanna Brassheart

Theorizing—joint effort

Please enjoy this special article theorizing the meaning behind the mysterious Breakers.

Breakers: Aethasia’s Prophets?

According to the grand story of Aethasia, Breakers were people loyal to the Great Engineer that would go around and break every invention that wasn’t marked with a Scarlet Nail. Before the Usurping, the Great Engineer would give a final nail that was a little redder in its color to inventions built by the people for the good of Aethasia. The Scarlet Nail stood for the sweat and blood that the engineers poured into the making of that invention. It signified that the invention was… good. If there was any machine that wasn’t marked with that final nail, the Breakers would destroy it. I think that the Scarlet Nail was also a sign of God's Will or being in God’s Will. Or… The Great Engineer’s Will.

This is where prophets come in.

In the Old Testament, prophets would deliver messages to people from God, usually to kings and people in power. If they were doing right in the sight of the LORD, the message might’ve been a blessing or something like that. But, if they were doing evil in the sight of the LORD, the prophet usually didn’t have anything good to say. Doesn’t that sound a lot like Breakers? If your invention wasn’t approved by The Great Engineer, it got smashed. Kinda like if you were trying to do something that God didn’t want you to, something outside of his will, he’d close that door you were trying to go through. Are you understanding the parallels? ;-)

In the Aetherlight Bible it tells us about Emily, the Aethasian parallel to Deborah the Prophetess/Judge. Emily… is a Breaker. Deborah… is a prophet. From that and other deep observations that I have made comparing Breakers and Prophets, I’m going to just say it. Breakers = Prophets. 

But not only that… 

There’s more than just one kind of Breaker…

Just like there’s more than one kind of prophet.

In The Timekeeper’s Apprentice, there are hints at another group of Breakers. These Breakers aren’t loyal to the Great Engineer, but instead they are under Emperor Lucky. They’re basically the same as the Great Engineer’s Breakers, except evil. They break the good things that are not of the fog. According to The​​ Timekeeper’s Apprentice, they also chase down and break rogue Automatons. 

Since we have Breakers which are the Aethasian parallel to Prophets of God, and evil Breakers under the Usurper, I think it only makes sense that these evil Breakers are the false prophets of Aethasia. False prophets said they were honest and stuff, but it was all fake. They promoted sin and broke down the good and truthful things by talking trash about ‘em. Just like Lucky’s Breakers.

Think about this.

You’ll never find a Breaker without a hammer. Seems pretty meaningless, right?
What if I said that a prophet’s weapon is his tongue? 

Can you put that together? 

Do you see the parallel? 

It’s pretty cool stuff. 

That’s all I’ll say about Breakers. Peace out. ✌

If you enjoyed this article, would like to see more collaborations in the future, or have something to add to this theory, do leave a comment!

Friday, August 6, 2021

Journal Entry 2.1 ~ Study and Updates

 Greetings Aethasians, 

The central premise of The Aetherlight is that it allows the Bible to be experienced in a new way—as a game. The Aetherlight is an allegory; that is, it represents the Bible's stories in a new package. By definition, allegories cannot carry the detail of the original story. They are representations, not carbon copies. Because of this, many allegories do not delve below surface level. But, as anyone who has looked into Aethasian lore knows, that is not true for The Aetherlight!

The Aetherlight's lore is rich. It is mysterious. It is deep, and it is far-reaching. The Word is masterfully woven and referenced throughout every part of Aethasia. The more I study Aethasian lore, the more I am amazed at the level of it. Similar to the Bible, you can experience Aethasia at a glance, but great treasures are waiting to be found under the scrutiny of a thicker lens. What an excitement this brings to studying Aethasian lore! 

During this period of waiting, I encourage you all to get out your Aetherlight Bibles, your copy of The Timekeeper's Apprentice, and take a closer look. Not only that, but get in touch with your Resister pals! Recently, I had an enlightening conversation with caleb Larkmagnet on this subject. He's been studying the lore with that thicker lens for a while, and he wrote to alert me of some errors in my creation account on Get Rid of Fog, which are now corrected. It turned out that I had misread some fundamental parts of the tale. I wouldn’t have realized it without that conversation.

In an upcoming post, I will detail some of my discoveries. Just like with studying the Bible, however, that is no substitute for going out and discovering them yourself! Go forth, Resisters, and find out The Aetherlight’s deepest doctrines. 


  • Hired SMN’s first staff member! Congratulations, caleb Larkmagnet, and thank you for helping maintain Scarlet Man’s News. 
  • Added search bar on right column.
  • Corrected text on Chat With Us and Get Rid of Fog.
  • Made SMN’s official Discord server fancier. 

Monday, April 26, 2021

Journal Entry 2.0

 Greetings, Aethasians! 

I hope you all are doing well.  Despite any mid-semester blues, we've made it out of the winter months and spring is on the rise. It's awfully nice to look out the window and see the grass greening here in No Man's Landing. 

Here are some brief updates on what's going on. 

Status report on the Aetherlight:

  • Good. 😇

Status report on the blog:

  • I've got some ideas for new content, which I am excited to pursue. Additionally, if you have any suggestions or ideas, I'd love to hear them. Thanks to my friends who have already provided ideas!
  • Speaking of contacting, the widget on the "Chat With Us" page is once again sorted out. Now its instructions are out of date, so I will be updating them soon. Until then, please note that the chat widget developers decided to remove the join button, so the SMN Discord server is invite-only for personal Discord accounts. (That is a good thing for safety reasons.) 
    • You can still use the site widget any time to chat as a guest, though! 
    • Also, sometimes it will show errors, but all that means is that its server is overloaded with traffic. If you wait a few minutes and refresh the page, it should work again. 

Status report on yours truly:

  • Unfortunately busy as ever but the Great Engineer is good. 

Just as the weather is changing and the flowers are blooming, Aethasia is coming back to life in many ways. I think our own eternal winter is coming to an end! 

 See you around Aethasia, resisters. Let's get out and enjoy the sunlight. ☀️

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Blog Revamp

Dear Resisters and Scarlet Man's News subscribers, 

Wow, it's been a while, hasn't it? I'm so glad to be back! 

Thanks to motivation from Dathmaul Crinklegadget, alias Crink, I have returned to Scarlet Man's News and plan to start a long-needed cleaning operation. Wonderfully, I finally have full control of my blog! Before, I had been operating SMN through Mrs. Rabbledash's (my mother's) Google account. All sorts of problems resulted from that arrangement, mostly involving her forgetting her passwords and accidentally locking me out! Now that is all solved and I am fully armed and ready to start posting again. 

Here are some of my goals for Scarlet Man's News: 
  • Announcements or even a topic on The Aetherlight forums
  • Monthly posts
  • Collaboration with Dathmaul (stay on the lookout for this! 😁) 
  • Cleaning and updating of pages for Episode Three
  • Expansion of content topics (Fan art gallery? Aetherlight music player/recommendations? Let me know if there's anything you'd love to see added to Scarlet Man's News!)
  • Maybe a fun widget or some increased capabilities for the SMN Discord server
This will be a long process, and it may not really initiate for quite some time due to some real life engagements I must take care of. However, I am looking forward for the opportunity to begin the journey. 
Thanks for sticking with Scarlet Man's News! I appreciate each and every one of you.

For the Scarlet Man. For Aethasia.